How I fell in love with food

Welcome to a little bit sweet, a blog to share my passion for food and art. As a little girl, my favourite toy was a toy rice cooker. Perhaps that's where my love for cooking began. When I immigrated to Canada, it was a shock for me to see how large the kitchens were. I'd never seen an oven before. Once I learned what it could do, I delved into baking every chance I could get. My first time trying to make bread was such a disaster that my friend's dog was the only one willing to eat it. I suppose the failed bread made a decent doggie biscuit. Determined to bake something delicious, I tried again and again until I was able to make my first batch of shortbread cookies. It's been a wonderful exploratory journey into baking and cooking ever since.

A little about me

My name is Susanna Chang and I’m a web designer living in Vancouver, BC. Aside from web design, I have also worked as a frontend developer, graphic designer, fashion designer, jewelry designer, product designer and music composer. In my spare time, I like to paint glass, make jewelry, read novels and manga, play games, and listen to music. I’m also an advocate for web accessibility and I hope to spread new ideas about how to make the web a more inclusive space for everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope my website can bring a little delight to your day.

About my illustrations

I was inspired to create my own illustrations for my recipes thanks to my husband’s passion for J. Peterman Company’s traditional catalogue. After a few weeks of experimenting with different approaches, I settled on using Adobe Photoshop and Kyle T. Webster’s amazing brushes. I use a collage of my own photos, stock photos and my own sketches to create a still life arrangement. Then using Adobe Photoshop, I paint using a blend of watercolour, pencil crayon, charcoal and ink brushes to create these illustrations. These images might at first glance appear to resemble watercolour paintings, but with a closer look, you will discover that it’s really a blend of textures truly achievable only through the digital medium.